Monday, September 9, 2019

Assigment annotated bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Assigment - Annotated Bibliography Example The authors say that the function of the Cyanobacterial FurA is to act as a global regulator that links â€Å"iron homeostasis to photosynthetic metabolism and the responses to different environmental stresses† (Botello-Morte, et al). According to the scholars, FurA regulates various genes involved in redox homeostasis and works to meet the characteristics of a heme-sensor protein, whose interaction with this cofactor can have a negative impact on its DNA binding ability. Targeting Virulence not Viability in the Search for Future Antibacterials is a research paper written by Heras, Scanlon, and Martin. In this article, the authors give particular focus to the subject ‘rapid antibiotic resistance’. The writers assert that improved approaches need to be developed for new antibacterials to overcome the issue of rapid antibiotic resistance. For this purpose, the researchers examine the development of improved new antibacterial drugs that do not either kill bacteria or hinder their growth but fight disease through targeting bacterial virulence. This research work gives readers a clear view of why existing approaches or techniques are not capable of addressing the issue of rapid antibiotic resistance in antibacterials. The study leaves further scope for experiments in the field of medical research. Botello-Morte L., Bes, M. T., Heras, B., Fernà ¡ndez-Otal, à ., Peleato, M. L & Fillat, M.F. (March 20, 2014). Unraveling the Redox Properties of the Global Regulator FurA from Anabaena sp. PCC 7120: Disulfide Reductase Activity Based on Its CXXC Motifs. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling, 20(9): 1396-1406. Nagpal, J., Tan, J. L., Truscott, K. N., Heras, B & Dougan, D. A. (2013). Control of protein function through regulated protein degradation: biotechnological and biomedical applications. J MolMicrobiolBiotechnol 23(4-5):335-44. Daly, N. L., Thorstholm, L., Greenwood, K.

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