Sunday, August 11, 2019

Ch12,13,and 14 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ch12,13,and 14 - Essay Example Closely associated with a production oriented leader is the concept of a transformational and the counter, transactional leadership. Transformational leadership involves an individual causing change on followers, and on the other hand a transactional leader entails transactions between the leader and the followers. Activities such as punishment and rewarding of the junior employees mark the personality trait of a transactional leader, whereas the transformational leader is very innovative. The assessment results on the level of building and leading a team can predict the strength on transformative or transactional leadership approach. The score from the test is 88 out of a maximum score of 100, implying the second quartile. For a percentage that is 95 and above, the assessment test could have predicted a transformational leader, but from the test results, the prediction shows an obvious inclination towards a transactional leadership. Despite the different perceptions of leadership, there are certain theorists who argue that leadership is inherent in people. In fact to understand leadership, the following five bases of power becomes key; legitimacy, reward, expert, referent and coercive (Schermerhorn et al, 6). A personal analysis confirms the fourth, and this means that I do attract and worth and acknowledge the respect of other people. A score of 23 out of a maximum score of 100 shows a poor conflict handling style. This implies that what of interest is winning the conflict rather than negotiation and compromise. Additionally, accommodation would be the best way of handling the conflicting situations. Contrary to the test assessment results I am an accommodating person and probably the results predicted inaccurate results on a personal conflict handling situations. In professional circumstances just as in personal conflict situations, I

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